Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pacifism/Peace, opposition to war and other violence, expressed either in an organized political movement or as an individual ideology. Pacifism varies from a form that is absolute and doctrinal to a relative and more practical form. Absolute pacifists are against all wars and against violence in any form whatsoever; relative pacifists are selective of the wars and violence they oppose. Most absolute pacifists stress the immorality of the taking of one person's life by another person. The philosophy of pacifism has been propounded throughout history on grounds of morality, divine will, or economic and social utility; the term itself, however, did not become popular until early in the 20th century
Shall We Dream Peace? (Poem)
What virtue can be better-
Than a sin avoided
And what sin can be more serious
Than a sin in disguise
And we all call that diplomacy
Wisdom is more than that
If old enough to say I am young
And wise enough to say I know little
I could be content and graceful
Than any who reached fulfillment
If my pain I wave off for love
And self made to be a second thought
I am a lover far sublime
Far from this selfish globe
All beauty if dwells in your eyes alone
Not to judge but to accept
As what I am and where I am
What complain shall I have than love you?
Can we build this globe a peaceful abode?
Each one, wishing benevolence
Nothing to be super human to save the world
But just live, as humans suffice
Why the love that sprouts in the womb
Changes color in its journey to the tomb
Its man's selfishness and vainglory
To subdue, to own and to rule over
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